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La Foi


The Dimond Brothers' Fatal Flaw on Sedevacantism & Orthodoxy


Tunnel Light

The Dimond Brothers' Fatal Flaw on Sedevacantism & Orthodoxy

Jeremy Austin

La Foi

Note: For those of you not familiar with the “terms and principals” (terminology) used in the Dimond Brothers’ works and the world of Sedevacantism, they can be found on the following pdf found at: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Glossary.pdf. There are numerous other links / references found in the “Endnotes” of this document to assist in facilitating your understanding and research on this issue.

My name is Jeremy Austin. From 2011 to 2018 I benevolently volunteered to work with and on behalf of the purported “Catholicsedevacantist organization known as Most Holy Family Monastery (MHFM); which is owned and operated by the Dimond Brothers who reside in Fillmore, NY.

I made initial contact with MHFM via e-mail and corresponded after that, on a regular basis, with one of their monks named Brother Jerome Torres. During my time with MHFM my primary task focused on translating their written material from English into French and creating / editing French version related videos.

All of this work for MHFM commenced after I had first created, on my own volition, the website la-foi.fr. At the time I was sincerely and deeply involved in the evangelical activism of promulgating what I firmly held to be the one and only traditional faith necessary to obtain salvation.

I converted to the sedevacantist position at the age of 22 after conducting historical and theological research. It was through that research that I became convinced of the validity of the work of MHFM and I opted to support them (without, however, blindly devoting myself to MHFM’s religious hierarchy – the Dimonds).

La Foi

www.la-foi.fr, how the French translation of MHFM's material actually started.

During my 7 years (2011-2018) with MHFM, I zealously participated in the dissemination of their evangelical material. But in 2018, after several relevant pastoral, human relationship, and theological issues / questions remained unresolved / unanswered by the Dimonds, after repeatedly warning them, I became convinced that severing ties with them was legitimate, in order, and completely justified.

I present this document as an honest testimony, a warning, for you to read and then decide for yourself whether my decision is appropriate. My motives are not based on exacting revenge against MHFM. The reasoning behind the writing of this document remains the same as my initial conversion. That being: the love of truth and the earnest desire to serve Jesus Christ and follow the teachings of His Church; and not follow individuals who display narcistic rather that pastoral behavior, who self-proclaim themselves as being members of a renowned religious Order without having the right, the autorization, to do so.

Numerous conflicting issues between the monks and myself have terminated any and all desire, on my behalf, for further correspondence / communication with MHFM. My reason for having opted to remain silent until now was based on what I realized later to be a false sense of “duty”: to suffer in silence so as not to trouble the hearts and minds of the faithful, including my personal friends. . I feared that by exposing to them the continued pastoral and theological issues I was having with MHFM’s hierarchy (the Dimonds), that it could possibly not only cause them to definitively give up their support to the monks but possibly cause them to give up on religion itself.


La Foi:The True Liberty  •  © 2025